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The Thorough Report
Vincent Valentine

There's a reason "Valentine" is his last name. ;p


You find Vincent Valentine in the basement of the manshion in Nibelhiem. But first you must unlock the safe on the first floor, up the stairs, and to the left. I am warning you now:
You have to do the combination within twenty seconds and if you skip past a number and double back, it won't work, even if you get all of the correct numbers! ><
Anyway, the code isn't that different from a school locker: it goes right 36, left 10, right 59, and all the way around right to 97. I assure, it is do-able; I did it once before but lost to the monstor waiting right after you open the safe (AND IT'S JUST AS HARD AS THE STUPID SAFE!!! NO MERCY!! x-X). The second time around, I was a little more prepared. After you defeat the monster (If you CAN! Ha-HA!), go down to the basement. When you go down the stairs and down the cave-like entrance, you'll come upon two choices: door to the left that's a wee bit hard to see, or the door in front of you when you enter. Choose the first. Look to the very topmost coffin and Vincent will pop up in a very Dracula-like fashion (even looks like him. O_O'). Talk to him about your mission and about himself then start to walk out to the stairs. Vincent'll stop you and join your quest.
WHOO! That took a while. @-@
Anyway, here be Vincent's history: He was once part of the Turks (Shinra's hitmen) and lover of Lucrecia, who was one of the scientists who discovered Jenova. Hojo *coughbastardcough* wanted a live specimen to test on instead of Jenova's corpse. Despite the fact that she was with Vincent, Hojo married Lucrecia and impregnated her. However, Hojo injected some of Jenova's cells into the child before it could be born? The result?
When he found out what Hojo had done, Vincent confronted Hojo but was shot down. Hojo used him for experiments, causing the transformations of his limit breaks and the freaky left arm. When Vincent awoke and saw how horribly he had been treated, he fled and has been sleeping in the Mansion's basement ever since for about 20 years or so.
He's a sweet guy that cares for his teammates but still manages to stay aloof much like another character I know!! *coughhieicough* He's suffered so much through life and yet he stays strong, and that's pretty cool in a character. That, and the fact that he's probably the second-strongest character you get is pretty groovy too. ^^